Thrill, Fill & Spill

As an occasional but not avid gardener, I learned about “thrill, fill, and spill” from a floral designer. A formula for arranging gardens and floral arrangements, the idea is that your artistic scheme should include something dramatic to stand out and above everything else, something substantive to fill the gaps and spaces, and something that flows out over the edges and decorates the perimeters.

So how do you apply this principle to your life?

  • Thrill: Add new elements to your day or at least your week. Do things that excite you! Routine-bedraggled schedules are just plain boring. What stimulates your mind, gives you joy, or challenges you toward a dream? I’m not talking about jumping out of a plane in a parachute necessarily, although if that shoe fits, go for it. But it could be as simple as choosing a subject you’ve always wanted to know and spending 10-15 minutes a day to get started. Or maybe you dust off your musical instrument and play your favorite song or write a new one. Whatever you choose, aim for something new or renewed that sparks your heart!
  • Fill: Fill your time with moments that count in the long run. Garden fillers do not take away from the main event or even necessarily get noticed, but they do complete the overall picture and satisfy the eye. Similarly, we need to fill our days with activities that satisfy us as human beings. Lunch with a friend. A phone call to Mom. Painting, writing, singing, dancing….You know what makes you feel as though a day has been well spent and feels good.
  • Spill: How about spilling out to your community in some small way? You don’t have to start a major non-profit or make an on-going commitment, but take a look at your local papers. Go to your city’s website. Check the church bulletin. I guarantee you that you are needed somewhere for something, and it just could be one of the best things you ever did.

Thought for today: Your life’s a garden. How’s it looking today?

Copyright © Marianne McDonough 2017

9235361 | © Jorge Salcedo |

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