Start with Joy

Joy Boy

Where does joy come from?. Most of us, myself included, tend to put joy in the same category as laughter, something that happens as a result of something else. We see it as a goal, albeit on some days, an elusive one. But is that how God made us? Really?

Usually we connect joy with laughter. If you want to get serious about it, you can find lots of interesting research about children laughing more than adults (or not) with specifications of what constitutes a single laugh. Try it. You’ll have to smile at how complicated it seems.

One article explains that adults have more to worry about, less opportunities to laugh, and different standards for what’s funny. Good point. Another says babies learn laughter as a social skill to establish emotional bonding. Probably true. Other research says all ages tend to laugh at the things they say or do more often than they laugh at the antics and remarks of others. I especially like the last concept. Seeing the humor in ourselves sounds healthy to me.

In any case, whether science or supposition, laughter is fascinating. But laughter subsides, and what we really want is joy that lasts.

Start with joy.

Put joy in the same category as a stream that births a river, like the Mississippi, for example, that starts as a trickle from Lake Itasca in Minnesota. Joy has a trickle-up effect on our lives. I’ve survived cancer twice. I know what I’m saying here. Life is a gift and a tremendous privilege. If you can get up, breathe, and have another chance at living the day in front of you, by all means, start your day with joy.

I love to hear babies laugh. It really doesn’t take much, does it? It seems joy is there ready and waiting for a peek-a-boo or silly face. Even the slightest humor sets it into gear. I believe that’s how we’re truly designed.

Joy isn’t the destination. It’s the beginning, and laughter just might be an added bonus along the way.

Copyright © Marianne McDonough, 2021

Photo 14117900 © Luba V Nel |

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