You Are Beautiful

I am Beauty

My mission is to proclaim the absolutes of God, His awe-worthy perfection. When you behold me, He is as close as your breath. Study Him. Enjoy. Learn. He reveals Himself in sonatas and sunsets, watercolors and waterfalls, meter and mountains. Like a beacon from a seaside lighthouse, His radiance guides sojourners to safe harbor where all are welcome.

I am Beauty.

I am the apple of God’s eye, the brushstroke of His infinite genius, the offspring of His delight. I inspire a songbird’s morning serenade, a flower’s inner sanctum, a snow owl’s eyes, and a baby’s smile. Sometimes I’m silent and patient to be discovered. But other times, I appear in resounding splendor to lavish attention on the One Who birthed me. In either case, when you notice me, I will not be denied the privilege of honoring God.

I am Beauty.

When you see me, you step into timelessness.. When you pause for me, you rest in loveliness. When you worship with my assistance, you harmonize with the heavens. Creation is at its best when it pours out praise, and so are you. I begin and reside in the Creator’s holiness. He clothes His servants with Glory and Beauty. Let me teach you how to emit accolades of worship.

I am Beauty.

I am powerful. I can ignite your imagination toward lofty goals, reveal nature’s hidden secrets, and teach the world how small it really is. Do not settle for flimsy or superficial imitations. I’m not subject to the whims of manipulation nor do I compromise to appease charm and outward appearances. If you desire my presence, focus on your inner self. Gentle your heart. Quiet your soul. Humbly kneel before God, and I will be with you.

I am Beauty.

I’m God’s invitation to find meaning in all that is on earth and skyward. Ultimately, if you simply look, you will discover the pearl of all pearls, the treasure people want more than anything else, the open-arms of perfect Love beckoning. I am not shy to meet your gaze. Nor am I elusive or fickle. Wherever you meet me, via word, sound, or vision, I accept your gaze and embrace you. Are you searching? Do you want more in life? I’m here for you. I am a gateway to clarity.

YOU are Beautiful.

God designed you to carry me. He makes everything beautiful in its time, and that includes you. You are the apple of His eye, a masterpiece of His handiwork, a child of His delight. The inner sanctum of your being is intricate and stunning. You were made for holiness, timelessness, and loveliness. You don’t have to wait for your beauty to be discovered, because your Maker lovingly beholds you in the palm of his hand. If you yield to His artistry, He reveals Himself to and through you. Allow your imagination to soar, stand tall, soften your heart, and don’t be shy with His gifts. So many people are lost and lonely and in need of Beauty. Behold, share, and above all else, worship the One who made you beautiful.

Copyright © Marianne McDonough, 2021

Photo 7404440 © Veniamin Kraskov |

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