Survival Power

When my cancer treatment was all said and done, I needed to believe, with no doubts or regrets, that I fought an intelligent and powerful battle. Cancer arrogantly barged into my life and temporarily shattered my heart. Not only that, it plunged my dear family into months of angst and uncertainty. But, like a rotating kaleidoscope, all that disruption can only bounce the pieces around for awhile, because God’s grace always wins and I refused to give up.

That’s when all the random chips land in a new and exquisite design called survivorship. It’s a beautiful season of life and a springboard for daily gratitude.

I pray that happens for you as well.

If you are just now stepping into it, here are some suggestions for moving forward and fully enjoying your future:

  • Go ahead and be excited about the conclusion of your treatment. Good for you!
  • Treasure time for the incredible gift that it is.
  • Focus on what and who counts in your life.
  • Think of yourself as cancer free, not just in remission.
  • Eliminate stress as much as possible. Stress is to cancer what matches are to gasoline.
  • Thoughtfully list your victories and blessings during these past months. You think you will never forget, but time often erases details. In the future, your story will inspire you and others.
  • Faith is your friend. Be diligent to nurture it as a close ally in your daily life, not just in health crises.
  • Devise a wise exercise routine and stick to it.
  • If you don’t receive a treatment summary from your oncologist, ask for one. That summary is a record of your journey and you may need it sometime, such as when you move out of state or to a different health care provider.
  • Keep track of and always schedule annual physicals, check-ups, and tests on time and without fail.
  • Listen to your body. Care for it wisely. Avoid sugar, eliminate smoking, and limit alcohol. If something doesn’t seem right, take action right away.
  • Find ways to support and encourage other cancer warriors coming up behind you.

Welcome to survivorship, and God bless you!

© Marianne McDonough 2022

P.S. You can find these suggestions and more in my second book, Beating Cancer One Truth at a Time.

Blog Image: © Arsgera |

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