A Mystical Coalition

I am Focus.

Focus does whatever it takes at any cost to sift the sands of expediency

and find wisdom-kissed moments where the hand of Divinity rests.

Today, for its part, shoulders many responsibilities, conceives tomorrow’s exploits,

heralds destiny, and dreams recklessly.

But never does today relinquish its priorities or preeminence in life’s time-bound flow.

Nor does it defer to unwritten lyrics of future melodies or the fading sounds of past crescendos.

For today and focus merge in mystical coalition while the masterful baton of hope

leads the way, stretching toward what is next without exhausting what is now.

I am Focus.

Focus empowers today to be all it can be and fulfill its one chance to reflect eternity.

Today applauds the valor of focus and considers it indispensable.

Together they highlight and release the value of a single endeavor.

We will not possess the future ahead of itself.

Nor can we control life’s secretive outcomes even when we lavish forethought upon them with the best of intentions.

Instead, with focus, we rescue our inner resolve from burdens that may never come

and fortify ourselves for the quests at hand.

If we ignore the wonders of palpable seconds by trying to be what we are not, control what we cannot,

or exert authority beyond our reach, we invite futility to direct our paths.

Today has splendors of its own. No other day has ever been or will be like it.

Savor. Breathe. Accept. Explore. Learn. Grow. Relax. Believe.

Tomorrow will offer its own rewards and sometimes sorrows.

Little and large matters alike shall reveal themselves in time. Let them be for now, and


Copyright © Marianne McDonough 2018

Photo 102690444 | © Potongsaga | Dreamstime.com

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