The Cancer Journey

Survival Power

When my cancer treatment was all said and done, I needed to believe, with no doubts or regrets, that I fought an intelligent and powerful ...
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Tips for Radiation Therapy

The mountain climbing image I chose for this blog says it all. That’s how I felt starting radiation only four weeks after a double mastectomy ...
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First Radiation Appointment

At first, when I agreed to radiation, I didn’t give it much thought, and then I searched the internet and woke up to reality. Radiation ...
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Chemo Tips #5 – Heart Matters

Cancer is emotional beyond description. Your heart matters, and the matters of your heart affect your process and your outcome. You don’t have to be ...
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Chemo Tips #4 – Short and Practical Tips

Chemo is complex. It just is. For starters, consider the infusion process itself–how detailed and intentional every step is. My clinic was meticulous, as I’m ...
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Chemo Tips #3 – Blaze a New Trail

Where did the expression “blaze a trail” come from? Based on an old Norse noun for “blaze” (a white mark on a horse’s face), in ...
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Chemo Tips #2 – First Infusion

When starting chemo, you may be tired already for lack of sleep, because, let’s be honest, chemo is scary. But I encourage you to feel ...
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Chemo Tips #1 — Empowered and Prepared

Chemo is intimidating, but, with smart preparation and determination to win the battle, you can walk into your first day ready to give it everything ...
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Why the Rain?

Recently one morning arriving at my office, I grabbed an umbrella to shield me from a sudden deluge pounding outside my car and streaming through ...
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Brokenness in the Cancer Journey

There’s a defining time in the cancer journey,a moment called brokenness,when you feel small and incapable,when the outcome looks dismal,and when all seems lost. It’s ...
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Seven Ways to Get Back Up When Cancer’s Got You Down

When cancer’s got you down, it’s how you get back up that matters. Here are 7 ways to do that:1. Appreciate battles already won.When you ...
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Your Loved One Has Cancer . . . How Can You Help?

Lots of things in life “take a village.” Although originally a Nigerian proverb about children, it can certainly apply to cancer treatment as well, the ...
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The Song of the Wood Thrush

One day during chemo, I hit “the wall” — that dark moment people describe as the one they thought they couldn’t possibly climb. To describe ...
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Go Ahead and Dream

Cancer is a dream stealer. We all have dreams, but when something threatens our longevity, we wonder if we should even bother. I’m saying to ...
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Cancer is Like a Stubborn Shrub

Have you ever tried to dislodge a stubborn shrub? I have, and it wasn’t pretty. All disheveled, sweaty, and dirty, I strangled, yanked and cranked ...
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