Gratitude Trees


Do you see all the colorful tags hanging on these trees? Each tag has a unique “I’m grateful for” message. Thanks to a “Spread Sunshine Gang” in Minneapolis, local residents grab a tag from a box, write what they’re thankful for, and tie it to a branch. By the end of the summer, a grove of gratitude notes at a park entrance brightens everyone’s day.

Some notes are signed; others simply contain a message. Among the many that list “family, friends, and faith” are these gems:

“R.B. is grateful for family and friends. Mommy is grateful that we managed to get through the pandemic, and we love chocolate!”

“Zeke–I’m grateful for the legacy of toys at the Sciece Meuseam.”

“All the little things we didn’t know we took for granted.”

“My 3 year old grandson who brings joy everywhere he goes.”

“That I still have my dad, my good health, and made it through COVID unharmed.”

“I am grateful for friends who become family and also margaritas on sunny days.”

At the end of the summer, I plan to give you an update on our Gratitude Trees. I’m hoping they’re packed with treasures on every branch. In the meantime, maybe all of us can give thanks for something and spread a little sunshine in our world.

What makes you thankful today?

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