Watching Over You

I am Mercy.

No one and nothing evades my vision, vigilance, or valiant defense. My attention hovers over everything, even a hummingbird whirling, an earthworm digging, or a caterpillar stretching in its cocoon. Like the peregrine, my sight and speed equip me for any task. I am passionately engaged in all of creation.

I am Mercy.

No voice goes unheard or unnoticed, for my ears attend to a quiet whisper as well as a robust shout. I decipher every vibration, pitch, and tone. No matter the context, quantity, or timing, I am there to respond as I monitor the sounds of breath and life, pulsing its opus of cumulative destiny.

I am Mercy.

Every morning I offer my abundance to you. While you sleep, I prepare a banquet of refreshment and provision. I never run out of a new supply designed specifically and strategically just for you.

I am Mercy.

No emotion spills without my compassion nearby to comfort. I understand trouble, heartache, and pain. No tears escape my concern. I gently gather each one into a bottle of remembrance. Like a soldier on his watch, I stand close to the brokenhearted. Like a lioness with her cubs, my empathy is never far away. I am unstoppable and formidable.

I am Mercy.

No one walks alone for I cannot and will not abandon those I love. If you try to avoid me, you will not succeed. I will chase you and pour my love on you. If you reject my shepherding, I will tackle the roughest terrain and fiercest of enemies until, with relief, I embrace you again. I am powerful, earnest to forgive, and willing to suffer long and patiently to ensure the safety of my beloved.

I am Mercy.

I befriend the rejected, accept the outcast, comfort the grieving, and release captives. Justice is never far from my reach, and I defend all who suffer the crude and vicious attacks of malevolence. I am discerning and quick to determine right from wrong. As surely as morning follows dawn and seeds reproduce their kind, I turn what is intended for evil into good.

I am Mercy.

I delight in what I do, and I am intertwined with Glory. Look at me. I’m at the door of your heart. Listen for me. I’m speaking to you. Walk with me. I’m at your side. Call me, and I will surely answer.

Copyright © Marianne McDonough 2021

Photo 79107333 © Andrey Gudkov |

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